Siena poll: Clinton tops Trump in hypothetical matchup in New York (even upstate)

Donald Trump at a gun rights rally at ESP two years ago.
Gather now at the rail as we all gawk at the 2016 presidential horse race.
In the (increasingly less) hypothetical matchup between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump for the White House, Clinton would top Trump 57-34 here in New York State, according the Siena poll out today.
As for Trump's recent claim that when it comes to Upstate New York, "I'm like, the most popular person that's ever lived" and that he could win New York State -- Clinton beats him 56-33 among upstate respondents, according to the Siena poll. [TU] [CNN]
The whole situation around Trump is odd in a way (OK, probably more than one way) because his own party appears to be deeply conflicted about him.
When the Siena poll asked registered Republicans which candidate they'd vote for the Republican primary in New York, 45 percent said Trump. And when it asked registered Republicans which of their candidates they'd least like to see become the nominee, 33 percent said... Trump. (Followed by Ted Cruz at 30 percent.)
Donald Trump also had the highest "unfavorable" number among all the presidential candidates in the Siena Poll -- 67 percent. (Again, Ted Cruz was right here with him at 65 percent.)
On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton topped Bernie Sanders 55-34 among respondents who were registered Democrats. But continuing the weirdness of this election cycle, more Republicans said they'd vote for Sanders -- the self-described socialist -- than Clinton in a general election matchup against a range of Republicans. Maybe that's not so surprising -- 86 percent of Republicans in the poll said they had an unfavorable view of Clinton (versus 60 percent for Sanders).
By the way: The closest hypothetical Hillary Clinton versus (some Republican) general election matchup in the poll? Clinton against John Kasich -- 49-42.
The Siena Research Institute says the poll was conducted February 28-March 3 with 800 New York State registered voters. Margin of error is +/- 4.1. For Democrats it's +/- 6.2 and for Republicans +/- 6.7.
That time Trump almost ran for NY governor: Over the weekend, NYT had an interesting look at the behind-the-scenes maneuvering involved in Donald Trump's consideration of running for New York governor in 2014. [NYT]
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And, significantly: "Sanders leads the four Republicans in Democrat vs. Republican general election match-ups by between 19 and 37 points, while Clinton leads those same Republicans by seven to 25 points."
... said Darren on Mar 7, 2016 at 12:05 PM | link
Why does NY state even have ANY elections at all.....pretty sure a shoe box with a "I'm a democrat" sign on it could win the can be seen how great the state has done under democrat controls.....just drive thru Gloversville, Amsterdam, buffalo, Niagra, Binghamton, schecteday, catskill, Syracuse.......and on and on and on ad nauseum......second world status......on way to Third.......
... said BS on Mar 7, 2016 at 12:16 PM | link
I don't think I've ever been prouder of my fellow NYSers, hypothetically.
... said Danielle Sanzone on Mar 7, 2016 at 12:34 PM | link
Still not seeing it......guess there's ALOT of people with guberment jobs and pensions and health care etc.....take Wall Street away from the NY state economy and you have disability and meth labs as the biggest employers in the state......similar to Detroi, Newark, Baltimore and so on ad nauseum....was hoping the last 8 years of BO as POTUS would have at least improved the plight of inner city minorities but again not seeing it.....maybe hiliary will help.....I know how much she struggled financially when she and her philandering war on women machine left the White House.....Chelsea could barely afford college....and a 10 million dollar condo.....WAKE UP people.....
... said BS on Mar 7, 2016 at 2:15 PM | link