Hello, operator...

The same phone booth from different angles.
Because, why not: The state Office of General Services is selling two old-school wooden phone booths via its eBay account.
The auction for one of booths ends this Thursday morning, and the current bid is $430. The auction for the other booth ends next Monday morning and the current bid is $221.
Both booths are in "good" condition, according to their auction pages. They don't include telephones, but they have seats and fans. They're for indoor use only. (They look like the sort of phone booths you might have once seen in the lobby or hallway of a building.)
The winning bidders will have to pick up the booths at the Harriman State Office Campus in Albany.
OGS routinely auctions off old or surplus equipment via eBay. The other items currently for bid that could be picked up at the state office campus include a bunch of office furniture that looks, if not fashionable, at least functional.
[via @TUCapCon]
photo: NYS OGS
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One think about these old phone booths...They are HEAVY. Like 3-400lbs heavy.
... said komradebob on Mar 21, 2016 at 4:26 PM | link
Old phone booths like this are extremely cool. I love the wood, the shape of the seat, the action of the door, how the light and fan go on automatically when the door closes. I often wonder if there's anything made today that people will look at in 50 years and say, "Whoa, that thing is COOL." I don't think there is.
Note: The Playdium Bowling Alley still has a phone booth like this.
... said grandmastergus on Mar 21, 2016 at 8:23 PM | link
Pretty sure I got high in one of those booths before a show at the Egg.
... said Harold on Mar 22, 2016 at 8:43 AM | link
Oh, my. I'm old enough to remember making many calls in phone booths like that. (In college in the early 70s we had no smart phones OR phones in our dorm rooms.) Just looking at the polished oak brings back memories. And watch any old classic Hollywood film -- the phone booth is practically a character itself for romantic phone calls, tragic phone calls, comic phone calls. Phone calls were more momentous in the past, not something you frantically did every few minutes "to connect." There was collect calls if you had no money (I'm sure I did that a few times as a poor student) and "long distance" cost you more money. My sister and I would save up for those every few months and talk late at night because the rates were cheaper.
I would love to have one of those phone booths in my house, to maybe turn into a closet or just sit in like an isolation tank.
... said chrisck on Mar 22, 2016 at 10:21 AM | link
Is it bigger on the inside than the outside?
... said Tom on Mar 22, 2016 at 4:57 PM | link