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All photos by Andy Kainz Photography unless noted.

Members of Tech Valley Game Space set up some of the games they're working on so people could play them. A few of the games were event projected on the wall. / photo by Astra Wijaya

/ photo by Astra Wijaya

/ photo by Astra Wijaya

/ photo by Astra Wijaya

/ photo by Astra Wijaya

Mick was scanning people so they could get 3-D printed sculptures of themselves.

An objecte created with a 3-D printer.

A super villain got into the party somehow.

Daydream, a virtual reality company with space at the Quackenbush Building, was doing VR demonstrations, which turned to be very popular.

Back in the THINQubator area -- a makerspace for kids inside TVCOG -- people could make little battery-powered LED lights.

/ photo by Robert Hirsch
Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate AOA's 8th birthday last week at the Tech Valley Center of Gravity. It was great to see so many people again, and to meet others for the first time.
There are a ton of photos from the party after the jump.
And thank you to everyone who helped make the party fun:
+ The Tech Valley Center of Gravity volunteers
+ The Tech Valley Game Space crew
+ Daydream.io
+ Ric Orlando and the team at New World Catering
+ Chatham Brewing
+ DJ Trumastr
+ And Duncan Crary, Anasha Cummings, Jason Lebrecht, Rhonda Rosenhect, Tom Tongue, Bridget McGivern, and Bob Bownes
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What's All Over Albany?
All Over Albany is for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. In other words, it's for you. It's kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who can help you find out what's up. Oh, and our friends call us AOA.
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Aha- my scheme of supervillany begins...soon the city will know the name of Doctor Irritation.
(Seriously...this is always the best party of the year)
... said Eric Scheirer Stott on Apr 13, 2016 at 10:57 PM | link
Yeah, i finally , finally, FINALLY got my old face in A.O.A.!
... said mg on Apr 14, 2016 at 6:28 PM | link
Good time, thanks for having me. Love the shot of Jess & myself chatting in the food line (while talking about gory horror films, no less).
... said James at 46 or so on Apr 15, 2016 at 11:38 AM | link
Thank you for all you do! I loved getting to spend some time in that fun space and getting to see where some of my friends do their amazing work.
... said Laura M. on Apr 15, 2016 at 4:31 PM | link