Picking the candidate the other party likes the least

Favorable/unfavorable for each candidate by party. SRI polled 538 New York State likely Democratic primary voters April 6-11 (margin of error +/- 4.5 points), and 469 New York State likely Republican primary voters over the same period (margin of error +/- 5 points).
Three bits from the new Siena New York presidential primary poll, beyond which candidates are said to be leading overall:
Despite trailing Hillary Clinton 52-42 overall, Bernie Sanders appears to be doing well upstate -- the poll has him ahead of Clinton here 48-46.
On the Republican side, the poll has Donald Trump leading among upstate voters 48-25-21 over Kasich and Cruz. (He's up 50-27-17 statewide.)
Nominating the person the other side dislikes the most
We always find the favorable/unfavorable question interesting, in part to see what people of one party think about candidates in the other party. And with an eye toward the general election, it's notable that both parties appear to be leaning toward nominating the person the other party dislikes the most.
The color-coded table above shows the favorable/unfavorable numbers from this Siena poll for each of the five candidates, broken out by party. Democrats in this state appear to really not like Donald Trump. And Republicans tend to really not like Hillary Clinton.
Ted Cruz
New York primary voters really don't seem to like Ted Cruz -- majorities of both parties said they had an unfavorable view of him.
Earlier on AOA: Voices from the Albany rallies for Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump
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