Albany Earth Day Expo 2016

albany earth day bike ride 2015There's an Earth Day Expo in Albany's Washington Park this Sunday, along with a bike tour of green buildings in the city. Blurbage:

To kick off the Expo, we'll host a 12-mile, escorted Earth Day "Bicycle Parade" starting at 9 am at the Lake House and visit award-winning green energy buildings. The ride returns to Washington Park at 11:30 am with "tykes on trikes" from local schools/neighborhoods joining for the last leg of the journey. Helmets are required for all riders. Riders under 18 must be accompanied by parent/guardian.
There will be storytelling, family dance and live music, an electric vehicles show, hands-on alternative energy activities, children's art activities and recyclables band, composting and recycling displays, a Speaker's Corner, a CDTA "practice" bike rack bus, a "Green Fashion Pageant", a model solar car race, and vendors featuring earth-friendly products, services and delicious wholesome foods. There will also be a raffle with great prizes.

The theme of this year's expo is "sustainable cities." Events runs from 11 am to 4 pm. It's free to attend.

photo from last year's bike tour via Albany Earth Day FB page

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