What's up in the Neighborhood

The NeighborhoodAmong the topics in this most recent spin around the Capital Region's online neighborhood: miscarriage, children, room on the road, a fire tower, loving your park, the Kayaderosseras Creek, emergency agriculture, farm shares, food trucks, a sandwich shop, a fact that didn't check out, Hot Damn, the old power house, and the wrong guy.

Neighborhood in-post ad APL 2015

Christine wrote about her experience with miscarriage -- "It was scary. It was confusing. It was surreal." -- in the hope it would be a comfort to others.

Amy reflected on the experience of having children: "Being a parent means seeing children with eyes that view the past as well as the present, flashing back through earlier incarnations (baby, toddler, kindergartner, middle schooler) while regarding the fully formed creatures before us with love, admiration, worry, gratitude and something close to shock."

Randal met with a CDTA representative to talk about his experiences being passed by buses while cycling, and how buses can give cyclists more room.

Jen hiked to the Hunter Mountain fire tower.

Jackie participated in I Love My Park Day at Moreau Lake State Park.

The Bee Balm Gal spent a day afoot along the Kayaderosseras Creek.

Zena check out a talk by UAlbany biologist Gary Kleppel about emergent agriculture and local economies.

Daniel did some thinking about farm shares.

Melinda lamented the state of local food trucks.

Julie stopped in at the Halfmoon Sandwich Shoppe.

Steve noted a fact that didn't check out about a famed local restaurant.

Mr. Dave's exploration of old-school church cookbooks led him to making "Hot Damn."

Carl recalled the old Capitol Power House in Albany.

And it turns out Chuck was the wrong guy to target with this shady car service pitch.


The link for Jenn's hike is Jackie's story.

Editors: Fixed. Thank you.

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The Scoop

For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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