Documentary makers screening films at the Carey Institute this weekend

The trailer for Two Trains Running'.

The Carey Institute for Global Good in Rensselaerville is hosting a workshop for young documentary filmmakers this week -- and some ace makers of documentaries will be there to teach and show and their films to the public.

The films that will be screened as part of events for the general public:

Friday, May 13: Two Trains Runnin'
This film by Sam Pollard "explores the search for two forgotten blues singers, set in Mississippi during the height of the civil rights movement." Pollard has also directed the docs 4 Little Girls, When The Levees Broke, and the PBS adaptation of Slavery By Another Name.

Saturday, May 14: Evaporating Borders
Iva Radivojevic's film is a series of vignettes about the experience of asylum seekers in Cypress. Radivojevic's short films have appeared on PBS and the NYT's Op-Docs series.

The films start at 7 pm each day and both will be followed by Q&A with the filmmakers. Admission is $10 ($15 for both films).

Proceeds benefit the NeXt Doc program that's holding the workshop this week for the young filmmakers -- it's a collaboration between Albany's YouthFX and the Carey Institute.

The Scoop

For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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