The story behind Larkasaurus Rex

dinosaur walking down Lark Street

As seen last week. (Thanks again, Heather!)

Last week we posted a pic sent along to us by Heather for a dinosaur -- T. Rex, it appeared -- walking down Lark Street.

A lot of people seemed to get a good laugh out of the pic. So we followed up to ask the very important question: "What the (heck) was that about?!"

It turns out that Larkasaurus Rex is Taylor Salvatore, who graduated from UAlbany this past May. She says she's lived in the neighborhood for the past few years. And she's also a member of the Alpha Phi Omega community service fraternity. "So I'm frequently in the area."

We'll just get right to it: How does one end up walking down Lark Street in a dinosaur costume?

Honestly, if you speak to any of my friends I constantly say I'm like a T. Rex with a big head and little arms, so when I saw the costume a while back I knew I had to get it, but it was pretty expensive.

Then a few weeks ago I found it for a lot cheaper online and bought it as a graduation gift for myself. I decided to run around in it with two of my friends because, I mean, honestly who wouldn't have a ball doing that?

I chose Lark Street and Washington Park specifically because it was 1) Close to my house, and 2) Filled with eclectic people with great energy so I knew more people would have fun with me and come up to me than just stand in the distance.

How did people react when they encountered you in the costume?

A lot of people asked for photos. There was some honking. The kids at the park went crazy and I hung out with them for a while. Some were scared and some knew immediately I wasn't really a dinosaur and they tried to pull my costume off, which is awkward cause once the air leaves it deflates and I'm just this soggy-looking mess. It takes a bit of time to get completely inflated.

Frolic in the park all summa 16 #jurassiclark

A video posted by Larkasaurus Rex (@jurassic__lark) on

What's next for Larkasaurus Rex? Summer plans?

Currently my friends and I made an Instagram called @jurassic__lark to post photos and videos of our adventures. We used the hashtag #jurassiclark and we're hoping people who take their photo with me will use it as well so we can add them.

Our hope is to make it a cool, fun summer event on my days off from work (which seem to currently be Thursdays) and have local businesses play along just to give more of a spotlight on Lark Street and the area.

This interview was conducted via email and has been lightly edited.


Thank the sweet Lord you're on top of this AOA, I haven't been able to sleep for days!

Nothing not to love about this.

I'll be out dino-spotting on Thursday

It makes me so happy to know that Jurassic Lark is a thing.

Very inspired!

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