What's up in the Neighborhood

The NeighborhoodAmong the topics in this most recent spin around the Capital Region's online neighborhood: race, family history, Hurricane Mountain, Lake Bonita, the Milky Way, a beer run, the Battenkill, a pregnancy survival list, newborn photos, the Tour de Soft Serve, not sending food back, Rascals, Kin Jo, chefs, organic food, and the museum of stupid ideas.

Neighborhood in-post ad APL 2015

Amy reflecting on race and all the things that have happened recently around the country: "My whiteness means that in every conversation I've ever had about race and the failures of our justice system, in everything I've ever read about mass incarceration and economic imbalance and the pernicious effects of institutionalized racism, in all of my sympathetic, heartfelt, horrified responses to same, I have never asked how I play into it. How I might be privileged, complicit and complacent. What my whiteness means. Which is, in its way, proof of just how privileged, complicit and complacent I've been."

Carl hiked into a corner of the Adirondacks, and back into his family's history.

Jona made her way up Hurricane Mountain in the Adirondacks -- and climbed the fire tower there.

Jackie got a special permit from the state to survey the plants (and wildflowers) on the islands of Lake Bonita.

Chuck recovered the Milky Way.

Silvia went on a beer run from Albany to Troy.

Julie cooled off in the Battenkill. (She also enjoyed some ice cream out that way.)

Christine shared her pregnancy survival list.

Jerry and Cassie got arranged for a newborn photo shoot for their son.

Jon recapped his family's take on the latest Tour de Soft Serve.

Daniel gave some thought to why people tell a restaurant server the food is good... when it's not really good.

Melinda tried the new Rascals Steakhouse at Crossgates (and didn't get steak).

Ashley checked out the new Kin Jo Japanese Steakhouse on Congress Street in Saratoga Springs.

Dominic shared more snippets, including a bit about breaking up Sysco.

Steve N. explained why he's turned away from choosing organic food for the sake of it being organic.

Back in the Neighborhood: Albaniana has returned for a visit.

And Rob suggested the proposed gondola between the train station and downtown Albany include "a stop at the museum of stupid ideas."

The Scoop

For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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