Capital Region largest private sector employers*

*According to the RFP for the Harriman State Office Campus land sale.

The Capital Region's largest private employers*

* According to the state's RFP for the Harriman campus land sale

Tucked in that request for proposals for the sale of part of the Harriman State Office Campus in Albany was an interesting list: The largest private-sector employers "within commuting distance" of the site.

We've seen similar lists before. The state Department of Labor publishes lists for the state and individual regions (last update March 2014). But that list doesn't include job counts (the labor department cites confidentiality) -- and the one in the RFP does.

So, can you guess the largest private-sector employers in this area? We'll give you a few hints: healthcare and supermarkets...

Look up

For ease of display and viewing, the list is above in large format -- click or scroll all the way up.

A few quick things

+ Eds and meds: 10 of the 25 companies on the list are either hospital groups or educational institutions. (And UAlbany would no doubt rank somewhere on this list if it were private.)

+ Conspicuously absent: Walmart. It's on the state labor department's 2014 lists for both the Capital Region and state.

+ The state: The RFP notes that the state employs more than 30,000 people in Albany County.


They probably didn't include Walmart because it's among the largest employers in many metros upstate.

BTW, it is ridiculous how difficult it can be to obtain a reasonably accurate, up-to-date list of the largest private employers by county in New York. It's treated like it's some big secret. I understand the confidentiality issue, but come on: other states, like Virginia, make this information readily available online.

Anyone else afraid of economies based so much on meds and eds.....two industries nearly completely reliant on government debt and spending of money that doesn't really exist??? Who ya thing gonna live in new apartments near Albany Med? Students accumulating debt to the government at a clip of about 60-70 grand per year.....Medicare spending money that it doesn't have? We need more jobs and industries to CREATE wealth....not redistribute debt!! Wake up people!

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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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