What's up in the Neighborhood
Among the topics in this most recent spin around the Capital Region's online neighborhood: mistaken histories, unclaimed mail, restoration efforts, a floral explosion, Mount Marcy, Governor's Island, tall trees, traffic signals, local not local, State Fair photos, Beacon, Italian delis, pop-ups, Peck's Arcade, La Empanada Llama, kneading, and a new arrival.
The Friends of Albany History shared what's probably the real story behind the probably-made-up story of the Albany-famous tomahawk mark on the bannister at the Schuyler Mansion.
Paula highlighted the backstory of a monument at the Albany Rural Cemetery that was once the subject of a mistaken rumor.
Carl recalled the process of sorting unclaimed mail in Albany during the late 19th century -- and the city's many newspapers.
Christopher (and his daughter) toured efforts to restore and maintain an old cemetery in Albany.
Jackie encountered a floral explosion along the Kayaderosseras Creek.
Chris hiked Mount Marcy.
Farther afield: Silvia biked around Governor's Island.
Even farther afield: Jen's been posting pics from her recent hiking trips in Yosemite and Sequoia National Park.
Randal continued his efforts to promote bike-friendly traffic signals.
Rob pointed out a local-not-local media trick.
Chuck shared some of his State Fair photo entries over the years. (Still love that Nipper polar pano.)
Julie recapped a day of eating through Beacon.
Daniel announced the stops for the Tour de Italian Deli 2.0.
Dominic shared more snippets about the restaurant industry, specifically about "pop-up" dinners.
Jerry recapped a birthday dinner at Peck's Arcade.
Melinda offered advice on what to order at La Empanada Llama.
Otis went to a kneading conference in Maine.
And congrats to Christine and her family!
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?