Liz Miele at Pretty Much the Best Comedy Show

The Pretty Much the Best Comedy Show series is bringing Liz Miele to Proctors September 10. Tickets are on sale now -- they're $15 ahead, $20 day of.
Show blurbage: "Profiled in the New Yorker at the start of her career, Miele has become a focused observational comic with a unique voice and the ability to home in on the world's quirks."
Here are a couple of recent clips from her standup, about feminist sex positions and Tinder. (Yep, both of those are probably not OK to play with the sound up in a typical work setting.)
And here's a Paste profile of Miele from this summer, along with a Guardian article about how George Carlin became a mentor to her.
As with other Pretty Much shows, the night also includes an opener and a host. Show starts at 8 pm in the Proctors education center.
photo via Liz Miele website
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