AOA Startup Grant 2016 voting now open!

Voting is now open for the 2016 AOA Startup Grant contest!: Here's the ballot!
Three finalists will be chosen to compete for the $2,500 prize. Crowd voting will pick two of the finalists, the Editors will pick the third. Voting closes this Friday, September 9 at noon.
The finalists will make presentations to a panel of judges that will pick the winner. Those presentations will be September 22 at The Tech Valley Center of Gravity in Troy. They will be open to the public. It's free to attend. (We'll post details closer to the event.)
As in past years, the pool of entries this time around includes a bunch of interesting projects. Go have a look at the applications
Thanks to this year's contest sponsors: CDPHP, Staff Ciampino & Company P.C., Certified Public Accountants, The Tech Valley Center of Gravity, The Community Loan Fund of the Capital Region, The College of Saint Rose, and Berkshire Bank.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?