AOA Startup Grant 2016 vote leader board

As of Wednesday morning.
There are just about two days remaining in the crowd voting to pick the finalists for the 2016 AOA Startup Grant. The graph above shows the projects with the top 5 vote totals so far.
The full leader board with vote totals is after the jump.
Two of the three finalists will be selected by the crowd voting. (The third will be selected by the Editors.) Voting closes this Friday, September 9 at noon. So if you haven't voted -- do so now! A handful of votes could make the difference.
If you don't already have a favorite (or two), it's worth taking the time to read through the entries. There are a lot of interesting projects this year.
The three finalists will make presentations to a panel of judges who will pick the winner of the $2,500 cash prize. Those presentations will be September 22 at The Tech Valley Center of Gravity in Troy. They'll be open to the public. It's free to attend. (We'll post details closer to the event.)
Thanks to this year's contest sponsors: CDPHP, Staff Ciampino & Company P.C., Certified Public Accountants, The Tech Valley Center of Gravity, The Community Loan Fund of the Capital Region, The College of Saint Rose, and Berkshire Bank.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?