The earlier-booze-at-brunch bill is now law

The Cuomo admin announced Wednesday that Andrew Cuomo has signed the legislation passed earlier this year that allows restaurants to serve alcohol two hours earlier on Sundays, moving the start time from noon to 10 am.
Here's press release blurbage on the brunch booze provision of the legislation:
Expand Sunday Sales: The law expands Sunday sales at restaurants and bars by changing the statewide opening hours from noon to 10 am. In addition, the agreement enables these licensees to apply for a permit, limited to twelve per year, to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises on Sundays between 8 a.m. and the new 10 a.m. opening hour in areas outside New York City.
The shift from noon to 10 am on Sundays takes effect immediately. Those provision allowing the dozen special 8 am permits (apparently prompted in part by NFL games in Europe and European soccer matches) will take effect in 60 days. (Those 8 am permits will cost restaurants and bars $25 plus a $10 filing fee. They also will require a notice filed with the local municipality.)
The legislation signed today includes a bunch of other updates to the state's complicated alcohol laws. Among the changes: Wineries will be allowed to sell wine in growlers and liquor stores will be allowed to sell gift wrapping and gift bags (yep, that was prohibited).
photo: Lauren Hittinger Hodgson
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