Vikings on the Hudson

Thanks, Laura!
Laura snapped this pic as that replica Viking ship made its way from Waterford to the Port of Albany Wednesday afternoon. We got a chance to gawk at the ship as it was docked in Waterford Wednesday morning -- there are a handful of photos after the jump.
The Draken Harald HÃ¥rfagre had spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Waterford after traveling the Erie Canal. The ship left Norway this past April, crossed the Atlantic, traveled along the St. Lawrence Seaway, crossed the Great Lakes as far as Green Bay in early August (while dealing with some unexpected costs), and has been working its way back east since. (There's a map tracking the ship's journey in almost-real time on its website.)
The Draken Harald HÃ¥rfagre is said to be the largest Viking ship built in modern times. From the ship's website:
Norway's leading experts in traditional boat building and the square sail were engaged in the development and construction of the ship. The construction is an experimental archaeological research program, and the aim was to recreate a ship with the superb seaworthiness that characterized the ocean going long ships in the Viking Age.
It's headed for Kingston this weekend, and then New York City the week of September 17.
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I never knew about pilotage... More like sabotage. And once again it is the US Government creating unfair trade practices for foreign ships to freely sail in US waters, even if completely capable to do so. And as is regularly the case, educational and historical vessels are not exempt from pilotage fees. Ridiculous. And a 58% rate increase pending??
We often here corporation complaining about the regulatory red tape that prevents them from easily competing in the marketplace, but often we see a business as a money making venture and think these companies are just being selfish. Stories like this show there is often credence to their complaints though. Lord only knows what other protectionist fees exist out there. This will definitely be something I think about every time I pay my 9/10 of 1 cent at the gas pump...
... said ace on Sep 8, 2016 at 8:46 AM | link
Hah! Death Wish Coffee logo flag on a modern Viking ship, and a NASCAR race car. By land or by sea...
... said Andrew Gregory on Sep 8, 2016 at 10:19 AM | link
And here is a video of the two vikings who missed the boat (this boat, as it cruised through Troy).
... said Duncan Crary on Sep 8, 2016 at 11:57 AM | link
It should be pointed out that the Draken Harald Harfagre is not a "replica" in the usual context of the term 'ship replica'. From their website:
"Is Draken Harald HÃ¥rfagre a replica?
No, Draken Harald HÃ¥rfagre is not a replica. The ship is constructed with great knowledge about traditional boatbuilding, knowledge about the construction of the Gokstad ship and from inspiration from the Norse Sagas."
... said js on Sep 8, 2016 at 12:19 PM | link
Such a pretty boat - and what better time to see it go by than on a day with perfect clouds! Thanks for sharing the photo and to Duncan and Anasha for sharing the updates as the departure timing was pushed back a few times into the afternoon. Due to the wonders of social media, a few friends in Troy were also able to make it in the nick of time. Next time, maybe they'll stop, though I'm not sure how to top the Vikings that missed the boat (see video in comments above). Too funny!
... said Laura M. on Sep 8, 2016 at 2:18 PM | link