LarkFest 2016 full music schedule

Montreal band Ought is one of the headliners. / photo: Hera Chan
LarkFest is this Saturday on Lark Street in Albany, from 10 am to 6 pm. The street will be closed to vehicle traffic from Madison Ave to Washington Ave for the free street fair.
And the full music schedule -- 16 acts across three stages -- is out. Let's have a look.
Here's the schedule, first by stage, and then by overall chronological order.
Spring Street stage
12:15 pm - Revival! Revival!
1:15 pm - Delicate Steve
3:30 pm - Ought
4:45 pm - Neighborhood of Make Believe
Madison Ave stage
12:30 pm - Ryan Leddick Trio
1:30 pm - Gordon St
2:30 pm - Lower Dens
3:45 pm - Jouska
5:00 pm - The Relationship (Brian Bell of Weezer)
Trinity Lot stage
11:00 am - Cannon The Brave
Noon - PineSheets
1:00 pm - Hammer Hawk
2:00 pm - Throat Culture
3:00 pm - Slowshine
4:00 pm - Mr. Every Day & Past Life Entertainment
5:15 pm - County Mike
Overall chronological
11:00 am - Cannon The Brave - Trinity
Noon - PineSheets - Trinity
12:15 pm - Revival! Revival! - Spring
12:30 pm - Ryan Leddick Trio - Madison
1:00 pm - Hammer Hawk - Trinity
1:15 pm - Delicate Steve - Spring
1:30 pm - Gordon St - Madison
2:00 pm - Throat Culture - Trinity
2:30 pm - Lower Dens - Madison
2:30 pm - Televisionaries - Spring
3:00 pm - Slowshine - Trinity
3:30 pm - Ought - Spring
3:45 pm - Jouska - Madison
4:00 pm - Mr. Every Day & Past Life Entertainment - Trinity
4:45 pm - Neighborhood of Make Believe - Spring
5:00 pm - The Relationship (Brian Bell of Weezer) - Madison
5:15 pm - County Mike - Trinity
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