Good places for gluten-free desserts?

A gluten-free cookie from a Peck's Arcade pop-up. As the pastry chef there, Gregory Kern, mentioned last year, the items on the dessert menu were gluten free. / photo: Steve Noisseau
Fred emails:
Hey gang, you've never steered me wrong before, and I'm looking for some gluten free restaurants, or some places that offer gluten free menus. I have been eating paleo for a while now, and have started dating a girl who has celiacs (I swear, we're not annoying about it!!), and am looking for some good places for dinner or desserts.
As Fred mentions in his email, we've touched on this topic a bunch of years ago. And the topic of restaurants with good gluten-free options came up again last year.
But we figured it could be good to focus on spots with good gluten-free desserts -- whether they're restaurants or some sort of other outlet. Because what's life without dessert? (It's also interesting from a culinary perspective because of the creativity the challenge prompts in chefs, much like vegan food.)
So, got a suggestion for good spots in the area for getting gluten-free desserts? Please share! And sentence or two about why you're recommending a place can be helpful.
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The Peck's Arcade dessert menu is gluten free. Sherry Lynn's Gluten Free Bakery is an option too.
... said Jon in Albany on Jan 11, 2017 at 3:32 PM | link
Be sure to pop by the Troy Farmers' Market and visit Melanie at O'Malley's Oven ... not a place to go out per se, but surely not to be missed.
... said Kelly on Jan 11, 2017 at 3:46 PM | link
For a big selection of beautiful desserts - Different Blend Bakery on Carmen Road. They also have plenty of things to take home and cook through like bread and cinnamon rolls.
... said Sarah on Jan 11, 2017 at 4:24 PM | link
Highly recommend the Healthy Living Market in Saratoga, they have great gluten free cupcakes.
... said Jamie on Jan 11, 2017 at 6:13 PM | link
New World Bistro has gluten-free options.
... said Anthony on Jan 11, 2017 at 7:02 PM | link
We've got a delicious housemade GF chocolate ganache cake at Lark + Lily. Pairs beautifully with a glass of tawny port or Eve's Ice Cider!
... said Silvia M Lilly on Jan 12, 2017 at 8:19 AM | link
The Honest Weight Food Co-op has some great gluten free dessert options. I know it isn't exactly "going out to a restaurant," but if my husband brought home some amazing treat from their bakery and a bottle of red wine to enjoy at home, I'd be a happy woman!
... said Jennifer on Jan 12, 2017 at 12:14 PM | link
Bountiful Bread in Stuyvesant Plaza has an entire case of gluten free desserts and cupcakes. They also do custom gluten free cakes for order.
... said Steph on Jan 12, 2017 at 1:37 PM | link
Chiming in late, but maybe this will be helpful for someone- A Piece of Cake Bakery in Castleton makes gluten free cakes and cupcakes (as well as vegan, nut-free and egg-free items as well!)
... said George on Jan 23, 2017 at 9:43 AM | link