Upstate Collage Night at The Tang

The Upstate Collage Night series art/crafts get-togethers will be at the The Tang Museum on the Skidmore campus February 9.
What is it? Blurbage:
Upstate Collage Night is an art party! Our roaming glue-and-scissors-social is a celebration of ephemera featuring a refined collection of vintage magazines to cut up and remix. It is hosted by Caroline Corrigan and Ira Marcks; two people dedicated to creating good things in UPSTNY.
... We find the perfect place, and provide all vintage magazines and supplies you'll need. Drinks and snacks are almost always available, and a good time is guaranteed! All you need to do is show up and let the scissors run wild.
You might already know Corrigan from Fort Orange General Store and Half Moon Market, and Marcks from his cartooning workshops and projects such as Creative Every Day. The series has had previous events at spots such as the Opalka Gallery in Albany.
The night at the Tang runs from 6:30-8:30 pm on Thursday, February 9. It's free and open to the public.
photo via Upstate Collage Night Facebook
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?