Applications open for AlbanyCanCode spring classes

AlbanyCanCode -- the local non-profit focused on helping people transition into careers in software development -- is currently accepting applications for its spring courses. The application is a short online survey that asks a few biographical questions, along with few a skills assessment questions.
What is AlbanyCanCode? Blurbage:
AlbanyCanCode, was established in the summer of 2016 to serve two key stakeholder groups: local employers of software and IT professionals, and local folks who have the aptitude to work in software but lack local options for training. Our initial 12-week course in Front End Web Development attracted more than 80 applicants. A majority of the ten final students were income-qualified for a full grant of the $1,500 tuition. Following course completion in late January 2017, nearly half of our students have now been hired or are in the process of interviewing for internships at area software employers
The classes on the slate for this spring are front-end web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap) and back-end web development (PHP, MySQL, Python, Ruby). (With those two groups of skills, you can build a bunch of stuff online.) The courses start in April.
And if you're an employer or educator, it sounds like AlbanyCanCode would be happy to hear from you about potential partnerships.
photo via AlbanyCanCode Facebook
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