Snow emergency FAQ
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With the return of typical winter, there's been the return of snow emergencies in Albany, which always seem to prompt some questions if there hasn't been one in a while.
So this short brochure from the city -- embedded above -- might be helpful. It's like an FAQ for snow emergencies, with info about off-street parking, garbage pickup, and snow shoveling. You can download it from the embed or directly from the city website if you'd like to print it out for save on your phone.
By the way: A good way to get word about snow emergencies to is sign up for the Albany Police Department's Nixle alerts.
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"All sidewalks adjacent to your property must be cleaned within 24 hours of the completion of the storm. If this is not done, the property will be posted and cleaned, and the owner will receive a fine and a bill for the service performed."
If this was actually true, the City of Albany would have a surplus of money unlike any city in the history of all the cities in the world have ever seen.
... said Sore Back on Feb 14, 2017 at 2:39 PM | link
Is there a volunteer group of any kind that clears sidewalks, crosswalks, and bus stops after storms for people who can't do it themselves or places that don't have anyone to look after it? I'd be interested and willing to pitch in, provided I'm not giving anyone a free ride on their civic duty.
... said Sam on Feb 15, 2017 at 9:04 AM | link
SeeClickFix actually has a standalone companion site it powers to help assist folks with shoveling (see link below) called "SnowCrew." Essentially, folks can request help and others in the community can volunteer to shovel in order to close the "requestors" ticket. I think this is an excellent way for neighbors/citizens to get involved, not only to help the elderly, but their city, which may be more focused on plowing streets than clearing sidewalks. I've poked around on this the past two seasons and haven't see any requests for help (then again, the past winter or two have been fairly tame)
I think the biggest stumbling block here is publicizing this application, especially to communities who would most likely need it (but often may be computer illiterate). Neighborhood associations would probably be a good start and would most likely know who legitimately needs the help vs. those looking for a free ride.
... said Rich on Feb 15, 2017 at 10:49 AM | link