EMPAC fall 2017 season

Hieroglyphic Being is playing a show in Studio 1 in September.
The schedule for the fall 2017 season at EMPAC is out. As usual, it's full of all sorts of unusual, out-there, and challenging performances, talks, and demonstrations.
This time around, the topics range from performance art to concerts to film to dance.
Here's a quick-scan of the slate...
All blurbage via EMPAC. The links have more detail and ticket info.
Thursday, August 31 and Friday, September 1: AFTER
"Performance maker Andrew Schneider is back at EMPAC for the world premiere of AFTER, an emotional story about time, bodies, death, and physics."
Saturday, September 2: Director's Tour with Johannes Goebel
"This fall, we'll be offering a series of EMPAC building tours led by different members of the EMPAC team to highlight the diverse and specialized functions of the space."
Wednesday, September 6: Other Uses 1: Incense, Sweaters, and Ice
"On the final night of her installation, Los Angeles-based artist Martine Syms will screen her new feature-length video, Incense, Sweaters, and Ice."
Friday, September 8: Hieroglyphic Being
"A night of outer-orbit house music with Chicago experimentalist Hieroglyphic Being."
Wednesday, September 13: The Media Crease: Traces of Reuse in Hard and Soft Copies
"Theorist Abigail De Kosnik discusses her concept of the "media crease" within both traditional and digital media."
Friday, September 22: The Music of Enno Poppe
"New York-based quartet Yarn/Wire performs an evening of work by contemporary German composer Enno Poppe, including the world premiere of the EMPAC-commissioned piece Feld. The program will also feature Tonband, Poppe's co-composition with Wolfgang Heiniger."
Thursday, September 28: Telepathic Improvisation
"Boudry / Lorenz present their film Telepathic Improvisation produced at EMPAC in Spring 2017."
Thursday, October 5: Other Uses #2
"The films and videos presented in the second program of the Other Uses series complicate the relationship between still and moving images. They foreground how images are produced in order to reveal obscured narratives and the way that photographic representations are captured and circulated."
Friday, October 6: Elena Demyanenko and Erika Mijlin
"Choreographer/performer Elena Demyanenko and filmmaker Erika Mijlin offer a work-in-progress performance of their new collaboration, Echo/Archive, an EMPAC-commission currently being developed in residence."
Saturday, October 7: Audio Technology Tour with Lead Engineer Todd Vos
"This fall, we'll be offering a series of EMPAC building tours led by different members of the EMPAC team to highlight the diverse and specialized functions of the space."
Thursday, October 19: Other Uses 3
"The third program in the Other Uses series turns the lens on unseen processes, people, and objects. The motion we see in the works--whether produced through montage, camera movement, or distortion of the recorded image--directly connects the action on screen to the hand of the artist."
Friday, October 20: Actress + Toxe
"Bringing together Swedish upstart Toxe with British veteran Actress, this evening promises hard-edged beats tinged with mystery and mayhem."
Friday, October 27: Mary Armentrout Dance Theater
"Mary Armentrout Dance Theater is in residence developing a new EMPAC commission, Listening Creates an Opening, to premiere in fall 2018."
Wednesday, November 1: Microsoft's HoloLens and the Future of Human-Computer Interaction
"Microsoft's HoloLens is the world's first fully untethered, self-contained holographic computer. Wearing the headset, users scan their physical surroundings and use gestures to place and manipulate digital 3D objects."
Saturday, November 4: Stage Technologies Tour with Geoff Abbas
"This fall, we'll be offering a series of EMPAC building tours led by different members of the EMPAC team to highlight the diverse and specialized functions of the space."
Thursday, November 9: My Paradoxical Knives
"Iranian artist Ali Moini will perform the US premiere of his 2009 solo dance My Paradoxical Knives while in residence at EMPAC to develop the new work Intentions."
Thursday, November 16: Laure Prouvost
"A behind-the-scenes look at the development of Laure Prouvost's new performance, which will premiere in spring 2017. While she has until now worked primarily in the context of visual art, this new work marks Prouvost's first major commission for the stage."
Friday, November 17: Laura Luna
"Mexican multimedia artist and composer Laura Luna transforms the EMPAC Concert Hall with a concert performance designed in and for the space."
Thursday, November 30: Other Uses 4
"Framed by Beatriz Santiago Muñoz's Otros usos, the work from which the Other Uses film series takes its name, this screening presents moving-image works by the artist that pay characteristic attention to the geometry, composition, and cinematic potential of everyday, neglected landscapes. By training the lens on abandoned architectures, these films find counter histories and other uses for the troubled landscapes of military and political upheaval."
Friday, December 1: Ephraim Asili
"Ephraim Asili is in residence at EMPAC with a group of performers to develop the script for his feature-length film Inheritance."
Saturday, December 2: Curatorial Tour with Victoria Brooks, Ashley Ferro-Murray, and Argeo Ascani
"This fall, we'll be offering a series of EMPAC building tours led by different members of the EMPAC team to highlight the diverse and specialized functions of the space."
Friday, December 8: Mohammad Reza Mortazavi
"Iranian Tombak player Mohammad Reza Mortazavi bring his lightening-fast technique to EMPAC's Concert Hall for a solo performance."
photo: Celeste Sloman
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?