Registration is open next week for Albany school district classes for adults

The winter can be a good time to take a class because it gets you out of the house -- and, you know, maybe you'll end up learning something.
A bunch of schools districts around the Capital Region offer continuing education classes on all sorts of topics. Those districts include Albany -- and registration for its slate of classes is next week.
Among the list of Albany school district classes for the winter: sewing, upholstery, dance, and Spanish language courses. They're on Wednesday or Thursday nights at Albany High School. The winter session starts the first week of January.
Registration is in person at December 6 and 7 at Albany High from 5:30-8:30 pm. Fees range from $15-$75 for most courses, payable by cash or check, and are required at the time of registration.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?