Upstate Collage Night back at the Opalka Gallery

A different sort of Friday night: The Upstate Collage Night series will be back at the Opalka Gallery on the Sage Albany campus this Friday, December 1. It's from 6:30-9 pm and it's free. Blurbage:
Upstate Collage Night is an evening of ephemera featuring a refined collection of vintage magazines to cut up and remix. It is hosted by Caroline Corrigan and Ira Marcks; two people dedicated to creating good things in UPSTNY.
Upcoming Collage Nights are open to the public and sponsored by your kind donations. No need to bring supplies, we have all the art supplies, snacks to eat, craft beer to drink, and cool people to meet.
You might already know Caroline Corrigan from her design work and the Half Moon Market, and Ira Marcks from his work as an illustrator and his many comics workshops.
While you're there, you can also check out the Paper Is Part of the Picture exhibit, which closes December 15.
photo via Opalka Gallery Facebook
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?