State of the State and start of legislative session today, Troy quadruple murder suspects have violent pasts, councilman calls on Morse to quit in meeting turned shouting match

State of the State
Andrew Cuomo is slated to give his State of the State address at 1pm. Among the items on the agenda,
how to deal with the fallout from Federal policies like the new tax plan and the coming expiration of DACA, overhaul of sexual harassment policies, early election voting and ending cash bail for minor crimes. Here's a list of Cuomo's State of the State proposals.

The speech marks the start of the 2018 legislative session, which begins with a $4 billion deficit and the threat of losing billions more from Federal cuts.


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Troy quadruple murder

Both of the men accused in the quadruple murder in a Lansingburgh apartment on Christmas eve have violent criminal records.[Gazette]

An anonymous donor has offered to pay the funeral expenses for the four victims. [Record]

The nephew of one of the victims told Spectrum news: "I have to ask him a real deep question. I have to talk to him. I have to get in a murders' mind because no offense, when you kill somebody, there's certain people in the family that can turn insane just because of it. I'm not saying I'm insane, but you made my mind think wonders".[Spectrum]

Baby born after car crash
A woman gave birth in a car just a few blocks away from Albany Med, after the car she was riding in was involved in a minor crash. [TU]

Call for Morse to quit
In a shouting match that broke out at a Cohoes Common Council meeting, councilman Randy Koniokwa called on mayor Shawn Morse to step down, telling Morse ""You are a embarrassment to the city, a disgrace to Cohoes and all women."[TU]

Woman paroled 35 years after murder
Thirty-five years after luring her husband to a basement where he was murdered, convicted killer Karen Ely has confessed to the crime and is expected to be paroled in March. [TU]

Hit and run suspect
Police arrested a Massachusetts man on Tuesday in connection with a September hit and run that severely injured a pedestrian on Broadway in Albany. [TU]

Albany Common Council President
Richard Conti was re-elected Albany Common Council president pro tempore[TU]

New State Supreme Court justice
Andrew Cuomo has named Albany County native and State Supreme Court Justice Elizabeth Garry, the next presiding justice of the court.[TU]

Schenectady state of the city
In Tuesday's State of the City address, Schenectady Mayor Gary McCarthy touted the city's renaissance, siting three years of property tax cuts, a drop in crime, and plans to become a technology leader through a new partnership with National Grid. [WNYT][Gazette]

Schenectady City Court judge
Schenectady Mayor Gary McCarthy appointed Teneka Frost the city's first black City Court judge on Tuesday.[Gazette]

Palace Theater sale complete
The $750,000 sale of the Palace Theater by the city of Albany to the non-profit that operates the building is now complete and a $30 million campaign for major improvements to the building is underway. [WNYT]

Leaving New York
A new National Movers Study shows New York was the third most moved from state in the nation last year. [TU]

The local Red Cross is warning people about the dangers of fire from space heaters, fireplaces and other sources of indoor warmth during cold weather. [TU]

Cold and community
The biting cold has created more need at area missions.[Gazette]

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