Second-tier cities
Looking through this Curbed list of "livable, dynamic," affordable "so-called second-tier cities" -- cities/metros that are about the same size as the Albany metro -- a few things that stick out: a focus on amenities such as parks, investments in transit, institutions that help grow jobs, and really fast public internet. [Curbed]
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Like the listed small cities the Capital Region is an education /government center which leads to a certain level of affluence and millennial draw. What keeps the Capital Region from becoming a true "second tier city" is our Balkanized political structures. Every little fiefdom holds back true growth for fear of losing a piece of the action. The "powers that shouldn't be" should realize that we could all benefit from their demise. Implementing municipal broadband is definitely a great place to start for our region.
... said Chris on Feb 13, 2018 at 8:55 PM | link