There's still time to sign up for a community garden plot

March starts this week, and that means a change of seasons -- and it's time to be thinking about gardens.
One of the great local gardening resources in Capital Roots, which administers 52 (organic) community gardens around the area. And there's still time to sign up for a garden plot. Application blurbage:
- Call 518-274-8685 NOW! [also] Orientations are held throughout March and into April for new participants at various locations throughout the Capital Region. In order to register for a garden plot, attendance at orientation is required.
- New gardeners must call to reserve a seat at orientation once the schedule is released. Plots are assigned on a first-reserved seat, first-served basis.
- There is a $30 minimum donation to sign up for a plot. Larger donations are greatly appreciated and help support this program.
Capital Roots has a helpful map of its various community garden locations that indicates which gardens have open plots.
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... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?