Charles Frazier at Northshire Saratoga, and more upcoming author events

Charles Frazier -- who won the National Book Award for Cold Mountain -- will be at the Northshire Bookstore in Saratoga Springs April 2. Tickets are required for the limited-space event -- they're $5 and available online.
Frazier will be talking with WAMC's Joe Donahue about his new book, Varina, the second wife of Jefferson Davis. Book blubrbage: "Her marriage prospects limited, teenage Varina Howell agrees to wed the much-older widower Jefferson Davis, with whom she expects the secure life of a Mississippi landowner. Davis instead pursues a career in politics and is eventually appointed president of the Confederacy, placing Varina at the white-hot center of one of the darkest moments in American history--culpable regardless of her intentions."
The conversation is Monday, April 2 at 6 pm.
More Northshire author events
Speaking of the Northshire Bookstore, here are a few more upcoming author events...
+ March 28: Alison Gaylin will be talking about her latest novel, If I Die Tonight, at a lunch at Hattie's. $37 -- includes lunch and a copy of the book
+ April 10: Peter Golden will be at Congregation Shaara Tfille to talk about his new book Nothing is Forgotten.
+ April 19: Former Congressman Chris Gibson will be at the Broadway store to talk about his book Rally Point: Five Tasks to Unite the Country and Revitalize the American Dream. free, but reservations required
Northshire advertises on AOA.
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... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?