Move Music Festival 2018

the band Diet Cig

Diet Cig is at the top of this year's lineup. / photo: Nick Grennon

The Move Music Festival returns April 28 at three venues in downtown Albany. Tickets are on sale now -- they're $25 for a full festival pass / $20 for the main venue.

In past years the festival has included many acts spread across as many as 10 venues. But it's been narrowing down the scope in recent years. This year, the festival will be at three venues: Parish Public House, Dawn's Victory Cafe, and The Olde English.

There's also an industry panel discussion at the Hampton Inn in downtown Albany.

Here's the announced-so-far lineup of regional and local acts...

Diet Cig
CK And The Rising Tide
Auguste And Alden
Late Sea
Jeremy James And Villianeers
The Avalon Hi-Fi
Ryan Leddick Trio
Aaron Rizzo
Sorrow Estate
Shlomo Franklin
School Of Rock


It feels like MOVE is slowly dying, which is really a shame, because the first couple years it was a true highlight for me. Such an awesome event, hopping around downtown all day long and seeing lots of great music. I thoroughly enjoyed plotting which bands I would see and where, even being torn between two conflicting sets. There were bands I knew and liked, and other fun up-and-coming artists to discover.

Maybe I just got old, but the last couple have felt much smaller in scale and have barely had any acts I've heard of. Of course, that doesn't mean the music is bad, just doesn't quite pique my interest the same way.

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