YouthFX 2018 premiere at The Spectrum

The short doc embedded above -- The Tone Setters, directed by Imani Peterkin -- is an example of the work created as part of Youth FX.

The Youth FX program will be debuting its 2018 lineup of short films at The Spectrum April 19. Tickets are available online now -- they're $10 / $8 students. (There's also a $25 benefactor ticket.)

Youth FX is in its 10th year, and the young people involved have turned out a bunch of high-quality works. A handful of the films have played at film festivals around the country and won awards. Program blurbage:

Although we run programs across the region, Youth FX's primary aim is to impact and empower young people who reside in the South End, Arbor Hill and West Hill neighborhoods of Albany, NY. These are communities that have been historically under served and in need of meaningful opportunities for training and engagement in new digital media technology. The skills they are learning not only enables them to be more creative and express their ideas, but they are also valuable skills that are in high demand in today's technology based world. Youth FX participants engage in their communities by creating documentary and short fiction films that reflect their understanding and vision of the world around them.

The Thursday, April 19 screening starts at 7 pm. The youth filmmakers will be there for a Q&A afterward. There's also an encore screening April 24 at 7 pm. These screenings very often sell out, so if you're interested in going, it's not a bad idea to get tickets ahead of time.

Also: "Please note that our screening is rated PG-13 as some of our films have intense scenes and explore teen issues."

Earlier: Albany's award-winning Youth FX now has a home of its own

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