Creative Economy Symposium 2018

Proctors is hosting the second annual Creative Economy Symposium June 21-22. The topic for this year's event: "The Next Steps Toward a Diverse Workforce." Blurbage:
Join Upstate [Alliance for the Creative Economy], Workforce Development Institute, and the Themed Entertainment Association, global experts, and regional individuals, entities & industries in exploring critical issues relating to cultural, social and racial inclusion in Upstate New York's Commercial Creative Industries.
This 2nd Symposium in Schenectady involves Employees & Employers in Regional Creative Industries engaged in a conversation about overcoming obstacles, educational curriculum, hiring practices, job placement services, and career opportunities, rural & urban, leading us to a more diverse workforce.
Updated: A flyer with the schedule of events and speakers is embedded below. There's an opening reception that Thursday evening and then presentations/talks/discussions during the day on Friday.
Diversity in the local creative economy was the subject of a recent event at the Opalka Gallery this month. It was a good discussion, and there's a lot to talk about -- especially on how to turn intent into action and results.
The registration deadline for the symposium at Proctors is June 15. The fee is $40. (If that's maybe more than you can cover, we get the sense the organizers don't want to turn anyone away for not being able to pay -- so reach out to them.)
Creative economy?
The creative economy is term that's gotten tossed around a lot over the past decade or so. In this case, the Upstate ACE has defined it as including a range of industries that stretches from design to media to handcrafted products to performing arts to museums to artisanal food and agriculture. ACE figures there are about 47,000 people employed in these sorts of jobs in the Capital Region.
Locally there's been a push in recent years to talk about ways to grow and support these industries and the people working in them.
Schedule and speakers
Creative Economy Symposium 2018 Schedule Flyer by alloveralbany on Scribd
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Why not just establish transparent quotas and be done with it?
... said Herbert on Apr 18, 2018 at 1:14 PM | link