Talking about streescape upgrades along New Scotland Ave in the Helderberg neighborhood

A clip from a diagram included with the event page listing. Here's the full version.
The city of Albany has a public meeting lined up for June 25 to talk about proposed streetscape upgrades along the New Scotland Ave commercial strip in the Helderberg neighborhood. Blurbage:
Join the City of Albany Department of Planning and Development and consultants from Chazen Companies for a public meeting to discuss streetscape and pedestrian improvements to the New Scotland Avenue commercial district between Ontario Street and Quail Street.
This project intends to improve traffic flow and public safety. The potential improvements may include but are not limited to:
• New granite curbing and sidewalks
• New decorative lighting
• Improved ADA access to existing buildings
• New ADA compliant pedestrian curb ramps
• New street trees
• Improved streetscaped pedestrian crossing(s) at intersections of Ontario Street, Grove Avenue and Quail Street
• Potential widening of sidewalk along the north side of New Scotland
• New amenities including benches, bike racks, signage and trash receptacles
• Public safety improvements on Avenue A including enhanced lighting
The meeting is Monday, June 25 from 6-8 pm at the First Congregational Church of Albany (405 Quail Street).
Sections of the city such as downtown or Lark Street or the Warehouse District get a lot of attention as hot spots of activity and development, but Albany has a handful of smaller retail corridors that are vibrant and add a lot to their surrounding neighborhoods in form of services, walkability, and just local places to get something to eat and hang out. And this strip along the Helderberg neighborhood is a prime example.
Now, if there's some way to get cars to actually stop for pedestrians at the cross walk at New Scotland Ave and Grove...
Earlier: Studying one of the channels of the daily commuting tide into and out of Albany
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The last comment about the crosswalk is too true. I'm wondering if this is going to reduce visibility for people taking the right from Quail onto New Scotland, making the problem worse.
... said -B on Jun 15, 2018 at 11:42 AM | link
... said ethan on Jun 15, 2018 at 11:51 AM | link
That's sounds nice although I'd say some of it is unnecessary like decorative lighting. I'd actually say that stretch is one area that's held up pretty well over the years.
In the meantime most of the roads I drive on are atrocious and could use some real help.
... said K on Jun 15, 2018 at 2:26 PM | link
These seem like good, common-sense ideas. Would love to get a nice protected bike lane too!
... said Jay on Jun 15, 2018 at 3:37 PM | link
Follow the money. An upscale neighborhood gets improvements it doesn't need, while the neglected areas roads and sidewalks are left to rot. I'm on Jefferson at Dove and there are sidewalk blocks jutting up at a nearly 45 degree angle. Can we fix the things that need to be fixed instead of wasting money on political projects, like, say, a gondola?
... said David S. on Jun 16, 2018 at 5:26 PM | link
Part of the challenge at Grove is pedestrian visibility. The crosswalk needs to be shortened - the city should be looking to install bulb-outs.
... said Daleyplanit on Jun 17, 2018 at 9:17 AM | link
So funny how people think....I think decorative lighting would make all the difference in the world to that stretch.....similar thoughts to Washington Park area at night......too dark to feel safe.....brighten it up just a little and would be eons better
... said BS on Jun 17, 2018 at 12:00 PM | link