The Great Race: Troy

The map for this year's road rally/race.
An event called The Great Race will be making a stop in downtown Troy this Sunday, June 24. It's a classic car competition that, this year, stretches from Buffalo to Halifax, Nova Scotia. FAQ blurbage:
The Great Race is an antique, vintage, and collector car competitive controlled-speed endurance road rally on public highways. It is not a test of top speed. It is a test of a driver/navigator team's ability to follow precise course instructions and the car's (and team's) ability to endure on a cross-country trip. The course instructions require the competing teams to drive at or below the posted speed limits at all times.
The rally/race includes cars up through the 1972 model year -- the rules give older cars an advantage. Previous races have include vehicles that date back as far as 1907.
Here's a highlight video from last year's rally.
Troy is the stopover point for the race on June 24. That afternoon there will be a free event downtown on River Street starting at 2 pm with activities, an extended Troy Flea, and a Brown's Brewing beer garden. The race participants will be arriving around 5 pm. updated
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