There's another PechaKucha night at the Opalka Gallery this week

PechaKucha Opalka Gallery promo photo

The local PechaKucha series returns to the Opalka Gallery on the Sage Albany campus this Friday. Here's the lineup of short talks:

+ Judith Braun: "What Good is my Cake if I Can't Eat It?"
+ Dr. David Green: "Hood Vestiges: A Southern Love Story"
+ David VanLuven: "Local Politics: The Good, Bad, and The What the Heck?"
+ Mark McCarty: "How I came to photograph my wife in the shower"
+ Chris Harrold: "Mom, I wanna be an artist OR Reclaiming my creative self"
+ Julie Casper Roth: "Ghosted in the Grave"
+ Daniel Nester: "God Save My Queen: One Bohemian's Rhapsody"
+ Susan Petrie: "100-Mile Home"
+ Maddi LaVallee: "Make Me a Sandwich"
+ Steve Lomnes: "smARTs: What is "Intelligence:" and how has this fundamental idea changed over time?"

PechaKucha? It's a format in which the speaker gets to talk along with 20 slides, each slide only on display for 20 seconds. (Each talk is just short of 7 minutes total.) So, it moves quickly and it forces people to get right to the point.

Snacks -- with drinks from Druthers -- start at 6:30 pm this Friday, September 21. The talks start at 7 pm. These events have been popular in the past, so it's worth showing up a little early to make sure you get a seat.

photo via Opalka Gallery Facebook

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