Pay-as-you-throw recommended for Troy trash collection, notifying the public about drinking water problems, Molinaro says he has plan for cutting property taxes

Drinking water
A state Comptroller's office review of the state Department of Health oversight of public water systems concludes that DOH has not always taken the appropriate or timely to hold systems accountable for notifying the public about problems. DOH pointed out that 98 percent of water systems in the state reported no water safety violations in 2016, a rate that's better than the national average. [NYS OSC] [TU]

Troy trash plan
A draft version of Troy's trash management plan identifies multiple longstanding issues and recommends the city move to a pay-as-you-throw model for trash collection. [TU]

Mice, bedbug complaints at state office on Pearl Street
The state Office of General Services has been treating floors in the 40 North Pearl Street office building (the Ten Eyck Building) for bed bugs and engaging in "aggressive mouse control." [TU]

The feds say the FBI is trying work its way through as much as 12 terabytes of data on devices seized from Halfmoon residence this past March as part of the NXIVM investigation. [TU]

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Gubernatorial election
Marc Molinaro said Monday has a plan to cut property taxes by 30 percent and will release details of how that will work -- eventually. [NYDN] [Spectrum]

State attorney general election
Chris Churchill walks through the theory that Sean Patrick Maloney's run for state AG was an attempt to hurt the chances of Zephyr Teachout. [TU]

Machete fight
Colonie police say a man hacked off another man's finger with a machete during a fight Monday evening. CPD said the men -- both in their 50s -- were arguing over mail delivery. [TU] [CBS6] [CPD]

Albany corner store stabbing
Albany police say they're investing an incident in which it's alleged a woman stole a bag of shrimp from the market across the street from APD headquarters Monday evening and then stabbed the employee who had chased her. [WNYT]

Wallet theft at Dunkin' Donuts
The woman says her wallet was taken at the Menands Dunkin' Donuts, and the money stolen before the wallet was returned, to WNYT: "I don't want anything out of it but you know, you do dirty it should come back to you." [WNYT]

South End Tavern
A crew demolished the partially-collapsed building adjacent to the South End Tavern in Troy on Monday and the city says it's looking into the conditions of the other two buildings in the row. [Spectrum] [TU]

Monolith Solar HQ project
Work has stopped on the Monolith Solar headquarters project at the Vista campus in Slingerlands. The company is facing lawsuits from a law firm and solar equipment wholesaler, and its CEO left at the beginning of this month. [Biz Review] [TU]

Barking dogs
Changes to Niskayuna's barking dog law have been prompted by neighborhood complaints about a veterinary hospital and dog boarding facility on Balltown Road. The owner of the animal hospital says he's been working to address the problem. [TU] [Daily Gazette]

Rescued cat
A fire crew in Rotterdam used oxygen to revive a cat rescued from a house fire. [Daily Gazette]

Empire State Trail
Nassau's town supervisor says local municipalities are worried about who will be on the hook for maintenance of the planned Albany-Hudson Electric Trail, which will be part of the state-spanning Empire State Trail for bikes and pedestrians. [TU]

Ralph Boyd
Ralph Boyd -- a WWII veteran and co-founder of the Schenectady NAACP chapter -- has died at age 99. [Daily Gazette]

Stuff going on today

The Royale
Tuesday-Sunday: The Rep opens its production of The Royale. (It was in previews this past weekend.) Tuesday's opening-night show includes a post-show reception. Tuesday-Sunday various times -- $20 and up

Capitol Hauntings
Monday-Saturday: The popular Capitol Hauntings tours have started up for the season at the state Capitol. "The tour lasts about an hour, but the chilling, ghostly tales might haunt you forever." Monday-Friday 1 pm and 5:30 pm / Saturday 1 pm -- free (but you must make a reservation and they fill up)

Science on Tap
Tuesday: The Science on Tap series is at the Albany Pump Station. UAlbany neuroscientist Ewan McNay has a talk titled "Alzheimer's is brain diabetes - or, how to save your brain by going to the gym." Tuesday 7 pm -- free admission

Sharon Bates
Tuesday: Sharon Bates will be at the Opalka Gallery on the Sage Albany campus to talk about her work and the exhibit that's currently on display, Sharon Bates: Exhibit B. Tuesday 6:30 pm -- free

Music: Park Jiha at EMPAC
"The music of composer/performer Park Jiha blends classical minimalism and improvised music with traditional Korean instruments like the piri (double-reed bamboo flute), saenghwang (bamboo mouth organ), and yanggeum (hammered dulcimer)." 7:30 pm -- $18

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Recent Comments

My three year old son absolutely loving riding the train around Huck Finn's (Hoffman's) Playland this summer.

Thank you!

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