PechaKucha at Revolution Hall

The next local PechaKucha night will be at Revolution Hall in Troy October 24. Tickets are $15 and available online.
The lineup of speakers and very short talks is below. Topics range from Schenectady, to hair, to life, to giving.
The night is being hosted by the Tech Valley Young Professionals Network. It starts at 5:30 pm that Wednesday.
It's a format in which the speaker gets to talk along with 20 slides, each slide only on display for 20 seconds. (Each talk is just short of 7 minutes total.) So, it moves quickly and it forces people to get right to the point. It can be a fun way to hear from a about a bunch of different people about a bunch of different ideas in one sitting.
(If this sounds familiar, the Opalka Gallery in Albany has been hosting PechaKucha nights a few times a year.)
Kat Brown- Senior Consultant, Nacy Warner Consultants
Presentation: "To Like, or Not to Like"
Becky Daniels - Executive Director, Discover Schenectady
Presentation: "My Schenectady"
Winsome Foderingham - Associate Director, University at Albany
Presentation: "Maps of Life"
Peter Gannon - President and CEO, United Way of the Greater Capital Region
Jade Gibson - Owner, Jade's Hair Envy
Presentation: "Shear Madness"
Bo Goliber - Community Relations/Corporate Philanthropy, Fingerpaint
Presentation: "Grabbing Life by the Meatballs"
Tony Iadicicco - Executive Director, Albany Center Gallery
Jamel Mosely - Owner/Creative Director, Mel eMedia
Presentation: "Michelangelo to Mel eMedia"
Brad Wagner - First Vice President/Wealth Management Advisor, Merrill Lynch
Presentation: "Engage. Give. Grow."
Jermaine Wright - Dancer, Chef & Millennial Marketer, VENT Fitness and 8 Count Kitchen
Presentation: "Making Millennial Magic"
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?