Screenprint Biennial 2018

The 2018 Screeprint Biennial will be at the Opalka Gallery on the Sage Albany campus November 1-December 14. Event blurbage:
The Screenprint Biennial 2018 seeks to showcase a range of screenprint-based art applications, from framed, editioned prints to installation, sculpture, video, ephemera, and posters. This exhibition isn't meant to act as a survey or "who's who" of screenprinting, but to assemble artists who utilize adventurous, relevant, and passionate takes on the screenprinted medium. The works chosen are part of screenprint's rich lineage, drawing on the history of this versatile medium, while at the same time pointing to a future where technology, politics, and expression are pushed through mesh by a squeegee onto the world of ideas.
"The work in this year's biennial exhibition continually exceed my expectations in the way so many elements come together to create compelling, important, and timely narratives," says founder and juror Nathan Meltz. "These art pieces also draw upon a depth of expression, and open windows into creative worlds."
From large-scale installations from artists Sheila Goloborotko, Tonja Torgerson, Tatiana Potts, to smaller-scale three-dimensional works by Olivia Fredericks and experimentation with augmented reality from Mark Hosford, the show will expand the definition of the word "screenprint."
In addition to the Opalka Gallery showing off the works of art and design, there will also be a handful of events to go along with the Screeprint Biennial.
And, yep, one of them involves making prints with a two-ton steamroller...
Blurbage via the Opalka Gallery.
November 1: Artist lecture: Tonja Torgerson 6:30 pm
November 2: Opening reception 6-8 pm (Jurors' tour at 5 pm)
November 3: Screenprint Symposium, with keynote address by famed printmaker, Luther Davis, co-founder of Forth Estate, a fine art publisher focused on producing limited editions with emerging artists. 8:30 am-1:30 pm -- $20 ahead / $25 day of / $10 students
November 3: Open portfolio. Printmakers are invited to display their work in the Sage Art+Design Building. Visitors are invited to browse;. Work will be available for purchase. Printmakers interested in a table, email 12:30 pm-1:30 pm
November 8: Film and discussion: Just Like Being There with Q&A led by
biennial founder/juror, Nathan Meltz and graphic designer, Philip Pascuzzo. [AOA adds: Albany's own Phil Pascuzzo, who's done a ton of local work you'd recognize, (including a few banners here at AOA) as well as a bunch of prominent book covers.]
November 10: Steamroller Print Day in the Armory on New Scotland Avenue. 10 am-5 pm
December 7: Ellen Sinopoli Dance Company performance 6:30 pm
Back in 2014, Lauren talked with Nathan Meltz about the first Screeprint Biennial and the motivation for it.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?