The Historic Woodstock Art Colony: The Arthur A. Anderson Collection at the State Museum

"Autumn Hillside" by George Ault
The State Museum opens a new exhibit -- The Historic Woodstock Art Colony: The Arthur A. Anderson Collection -- this Saturday. It includes more more than 100 pieces from a donation of 1,500 works connected to the Woodstock Art Colony that were donated by Anderson last year.
Exhibit blurbage:
Long before the famous music festival in 1969, Woodstock, New York, was home to what is considered America's first intentionally created, year-round arts colony--founded in 1902 and still thriving over 100 years later. Collecting the remarkable range of work produced there was Anderson's focus for three decades, resulting in the largest comprehensive assemblage of its type. The artists represented in it reflect the diversity of those who came to Woodstock, including Birge Harrison, Konrad Cramer, George Bellows, Eugene Speicher, Peggy Bacon, Rolph Scarlett and Yasuo Kuniyoshi, among many others. Anderson donated his entire collection--some 1,500 objects by almost 200 artists--to the State Museum.
The new exhibit will be on display through the end of 2019.
There's an opening reception this Saturday, November 10 from 1-3 pm, with a historian/curator tour at 2 pm.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?