Icy, Snowy Apocalypse Watch (updated)

snowy apocalypse meter 2018-11-15

Updated Thursday afternoon. The forecast for snow totals continues to climb. And there's now a winter storm warning in effect.

Don't call it a comeback. Winter's been here for years.

It's mid November and we're pulling the Icy, Snowy Apocalypse Meter out of the barn for the start of the season. Let's go.

The paraphrased forecast for the next few days:

Wednesday night: Unseasonably cold. Lows around 15.
Thursday: Cloudy, with snow starting late in the afternoon. Around 32.
Thursday night: Snow and sleet. Maybe 5-9 inches. Lows in the upper 20s.
Friday: A shift to snow and rain, maybe freezing rain, and then rain. Highs in the upper 30s.

The updated forecasts for this particular apocalypse keep increasing the predicted snowfall. And the totals are now looking like winter's going to do some work. The National Weather Service Albany probabilistic snowfall forecast has Albany pegged for about 9 inches of snow. And the various probabilities for snowfall ranges point to a ceiling below 12 inches..

The Friday morning commute looks it won't be fun. There's still the issue of potential sleet and freezing rain. And it sounds like this will be wet, heavy snow (which is the worst kind of snow -- take it slow when shoveling).

So we're upgrading this icy, snowy apocalypse to "proper winter" level.

Shovels at the ready -- you are all hardy Upstaters.

Media freakout forecast: Early season. Remember to stretch. It's been a while.

Necessary note: You should take this all with an enormous bag of rock salt. AOA has absolutely no weather forecasting expertise. At all. That said, the world will probably not end because of some snow. Most likely.

Earlier: Very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical, they are the very model of a modern forecast meteorological


it seems petty to most, but, with the onslaught os the word(s) so, umm, uh and on, please in the weather reporting field, the word is unseasonally, not unseasonably. Even the respected Paul Ciano uses it and i can't stand it.... arrrrgh!

"the word is unseasonally, not unseasonably. Even the respected Paul Ciano uses it and i can't stand it.... arrrrgh!"

Stand it, you must: "Things that change with the season are “seasonal.” One speaks of seasonal occupations, seasonal employment, and seasonal products. Strictly speaking, seasonal does not have a negative form. This unusually cold, wet weather we’re experiencing in the South this May is unseasonable."

The right word is "unreasonable".

Bring in the global warming, please.

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For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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