Albany Can Code has a new round of classes starting up soon

Albany Can Code -- the local initiative aimed at making training in computer coding available to a wider group of people -- has a new round of classes starting in January.
It will be offering front end web development classes -- "a solid foundation for anyone looking to explore a career in coding" -- at the Schenectady Community College extension in Albany and SUNY Adirondack in Wilton. And it also has a more advanced front-end Javascript frameworks class at SCCC in Schenectady.
From Albany Can Code's newsletter this month:
In 2018 we planned and executed 5 classes for 69 students in our workforce development program. These students learned Front End Web Development, JavaScript frameworks, Back End Web Development, and SQL Database skills. In the first quarter of 2019 we are planning to offer more classes than ever before. Nearly half of our students were women this year and more than a third were people of color.
The 12-week classes are $1,500 and there is some grant funding for people who meet various criteria. See the student FAQ for details.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?