Farther off, down the block

Our conversation with Erik Schlimmer this week about his book of Albany street name histories set us off looking through the Albany Public Library's online collection of local history photos.
And we happened across this photo of Central Ave from sometime during the 1920s. It's looking west from what was then Northern Boulevard and is now Henry Johnson Boulevard. Two things that caught your eye:
1. "High grade" candies.
2. The scene off in the distance. If you head over to the New York Heritage site that hosts the image, you can zoom in very close. And the little details are great. The store signs, a man wearing a bowler, a horse-drawn wagon with straw or hay, a man pushing what looks like a carriage, a buttoned-up couple walking arm in arm, kids, and the obligatory guy staring toward the camera with the what-is-going-on look.
photo: Albany Public Library History Collection
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A truly wonderful view from long ago. Thanks for sharing!!
... said ravioliollie on Dec 15, 2018 at 6:30 AM | link
That is pretty awesome. I could easily spend a few hours exploring those old images.
... said Ellen on Dec 17, 2018 at 12:17 PM | link