The probability of a white Christmas

This is a NRCC graph of white Christmas probabilities for Northeast cities. We've modified it highlight Albany. (Here's a larger version.)
Weather nerding (holiday edition): On average, Albany has snow on the ground for every third Christmas.
That's from a Northeast Regional Climate Center analysis of records for the past 50 years. It looked at a bunch of cities around the nation and the Northeast to see how many Christmases in each place had at least one inch snow on the ground. In Albany case's it was 34 percent of the time.
As you might expect, some of the Upstate cities to the west have much higher probabilities. Syracuse is 2/3 (surprised it wasn't higher), Buffalo is 6/10, and Watertown is 8/10.
Last year Albany got 5.5 inches of snow on Christmas.
+ Here's when the seasons really start and end in the Albany area*
+ Albany winters have been getting warmer
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?