Items tagged with 'Northern Lights'

Santigold at Northern Lights

santigold in australia

Santigold performing in Australia last fall.

(Insert your own description of her genre) singer Santigold is playing Northern Lights May 12. Tickets go on sale this Friday (April 6). They're $25.

If you haven't heard Santigold, you've probably still heard Santigold. Songs off her debut album -- "L.E.S. Artistes," especially -- were pretty everywhere in 2008 and 2009. Since that album, she's toured and/or worked with all sorts of acts -- from Diplo to Coldplay to M.I.A. to Bjork to Jay-Z to Kanye to Karen O to The Lonely Island. (You should check your own discography -- she probably sang on one of your tracks.) As a writer for Stereogum recently remarked: "Santigold is the best, biggest pop star, and the perfect person to rep our pre-apocalyptic polyglot universe."

She has a new album coming out in May. There's a good chance you've already heard a single off it.

photo: Stuart Sevastos (Flickr user stusev)

Passion Pit at Northern Lights

passion pitElectrpop band Passion Pit is scheduled to play a show at Northern Lights April 23. Tickets go on sale this Friday -- they're $25.

You've heard Passion Pit even if you've never heard of Passion Pit. For example: "Little Secrets". They're filed in the same bin as MGMT. And for whatever reason, they seem to get remixed and mashed up a lot. (What? A Passion Pit/MGMT mashup? Now the electropop bands are feeding on each other! Madness! Someone turn off the lights at American Apparel!)

Earlier on AOA:
+ The Avett Brothers at the Palace
+ Ingrid Michaelson at The Egg
+ Bruce Springsteen playing the TU Center
+ Some shows that are coming up, winter 2012

photo: Justin Borucki

The Scoop

For a decade All Over Albany was a place for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. It was kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who could help you find out what's up. AOA stopped publishing at the end of 2018.

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