Items tagged with 'fiction'
Other Timelines: The Chair

It's Other Timelines week on AOA, in which we'll be looking at alternate histories of this place, about big and small things that did or did not happen.
BVP has been dropping delightfully weird, tiny stories in the comments here at AOA for years, so we thought it'd be fun to have him write a few super short stories based on this week's alternate history theme.
My ex-wife, Olga, has moved to another dimension.
I found this out when she called and said she wanted me to bring her chair over.
Although it's a four-story hump down the narrow winding steps of my building, I was elated.
Other Timelines: 4th of July

Fireworks for the holiday, of course. / flag photo: Flickr user Rian (Ree) Saunders (CC BY 2.0 - cropped for photo illustration)
It's Other Timelines week on AOA, in which we'll be looking at alternate histories of this place, about big and small things that did or did not happen.
BVP has been dropping delightfully weird, tiny stories in the comments here at AOA for years, so we thought it'd be fun to have him write a few super short stories based on this week's alternate history theme. Today's micro story is about celebrating the events of the Fourth of July...
Chatsworth has a perfectly fabulous flat on the corner of North Lake. He and his wife have a ripping do every summer to watch the Albany Fourth of July parade. Everyone is there.
On the way over, I stopped at the bottle shop and picked up a case of Boodles gin. Digby already had the shutters up.
"Expecting some fireworks, are you, Digby?"
"Aye, Mr. Hobbes. The telly showed them up at Beverwyck Park. Off their collective trolleys, they are!"
"Well, stiff upper lip, and all that, Digby."
"Thank you, sir."
Other Timelines: The Portal

It's Other Timelines week on AOA, in which we'll be looking at alternate histories of this place, about big and small things that did or did not happen.
BVP has been dropping delightfully weird, tiny stories in the comments here at AOA for years, so we thought it'd be fun to have him write a few super short stories based on this week's alternate history theme. Here's the first, about what happens when you arrive late to the past...
The Albany Portal had already been open for about three years before I had a chance to go.
By that time there were about 30 around the world, maybe more, so it had become pretty normal.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?