Baker's Intuition

Who: Beverly Carrubba
Project: Open a new bake shop in downtown Troy. A knack for brilliant baked goods... naturally.
Hi! I'm Beverly, the owner of Baker's Intuition. I come from a family of culinarily-inclined, health-conscious entrepreneurs, and I have been spending the past few years developing my business and increasing my knowledge of business strategy, marketing and management through my formal (and informal) education.
In addition to building and operating Baker's Intuition, I have experience in the retail, foodservice, and hospitality industries, and have held various positions in each, exposing me to various levels of responsibility. I have always wanted to open a coffee shop (or other food-related establishment) of my own, and while living in Boston several years ago, I was inspired to start a baking business. In an effort to increase my chances of success as an entrepreneur, I returned to school, building on my knowledge in the areas of food science and business management. I am graduating next month, and over the past few years of living in Troy and doing extensive networking through my church, school, jobs, and local organizations, I have built an enthusiastic local following.
The competition last year motivated me to refine some aspects of my business model. I have sought out assistance from local business superstars (shout out to Janet Tanguay - and many others), given a more thorough look at plans for expansion, hiring, etc., and plans are coming together for me to open up shop in partnership with a new wine bar in downtown Troy!!
I have been extremely blessed in that this partnership (let's call it a strategic alliance) will eliminate many of the expenses I would have had to carry if I were opening up a shop on my own. However, there are still some purchases that need to be made, as well as moving expenses (to bring my enormous amounts of bakeware and office equipment to the wine bar). The total needed for new purchases/"startup" expenses/moving comes to right around $1500 - so if I were to win the grant, that would help me out a LOT with setting up the new space and getting ready for growth!
Follow your intuition - even if you don't bake - and vote for me!!! :-D
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