Installation Art Exhibition

Who: Tim Varney
Project: We're looking to recreate the success of the Athletic Annex Exhibition, only this time in Troy. The glut of available class C office space in downtown Troy provides ample suitable locations for a large, multi-artist exhibition. The show will be in coordination with the monthly arts and cultural event Troy Night Out.
A description of your proposed project
We're looking to recreate the success of the Athletic Annex Exhibition, only this time in Troy. The glut of available class C office space in downtown Troy provides ample suitable locations for a large, multi-artist exhibition. The show will be in coordination with the monthly arts and cultural event Troy Night Out.
The exhibition will once again be in coordination with the Albany Underground Artists. We plan on creating a multimedia installation art show that will be site specific. Ideally the show will be on the same scale or slightly larger. Unique spaces with lots of nooks and rooms are preferred.
Given that this show is based on the template created by a previous event, many of the steps in the organization and implementation are known from experience. Our primary obstacle is the securing of temporary gallery space. Last year's show found a home due to the generous gift of space from the University Club of Albany. We hope to find a business with vacant space in Troy that will be willing to host an art installation for the period of approximately 6-8 weeks.
How funding will help
A primary concern of a business providing space for our exhibition is that the area is restored to pre-show conditions after the event. Due to the nature of installation art, this involves paint, construction materials and volunteer work. Other expenses include curation, insurance, promotional handbills, advertizing, site prep work and artist materials. The AOA Sunmark Startup Grant will go a long way towards covering these costs.
Sponsorship by AOA and Sunmark will also greatly help us with promotion.
Albany_Tim's (no relation) photostream of the Athletic Annex. (That's his photo above.)
Tim Varney is a long time resident of the Albany area. Five years ago he moved to the Center Square neighborhood to be closer to the local arts and cultural community that exists downtown. After visiting the Albany Underground Planned Parenthood Show last year, Tim became inspired and embarked on his own pop-up gallery adventure. In October of 2011, Tim hosted the Athletic Annex Exhibition in cooperation with Chip Fasciana and the Albany Underground Artists. While Chip and the AUA focused on art, Tim was busy fundraising and handling the behind-the-scenes aspects and logistics of the show. The show was a resounding success. Over 20 local and regional artists participated. The show was hosted in the vacant, 4000 sqft athletic annex of the University Club of Albany at the corner of Washington and Dove.
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