Be a localist

Matthias Hager
A website that helps you buy local

4 years in the Navy Nuclear Program
Programming for fun since middle school
Professionally I do Internet marketing for a company out of KC, and run my own
company 2HelixTech on the side (SEO, SEM, web development)
What have I done in the past?
Helped clients successfully establish an Internet presence
Marketed websites ranging from e-commerce to local roofers and banks
Built 2sies - personal task management web app (in beta stage)
What led me to this project?
Love for the local area, and an interest in local buying that was sparked after starting my
own business o
Identified a problem: it isn't always easy to buy locally owned because a) it's harder to
find convenient local stores and b) locally owned businesses are often times more expensive.
The Proposed Project:
Solve some of the problems around buying locally owned
Easier to find locally owned stores, restaurants, and services via a locally owned only directory (no chain stores)
Allow locally owned businesses to offer promotional discounts and sales to attract customers
Potential future opportunities with the platform include: allowing local group buying, a local membership program for consumers that offers discounts, allow businesses to connect with local consumers via social media
Provide an outlet for locally owned businesses to advertise affordably to highly targeted audiences
Why do I want to do it?
Help boost the local economy and keep it thriving
Help other local business owners like myself
Show consumers the benefits of buying locally owned
Why should I get funding?
Most organizations in the area that try to promote locally owned buying are not doing a
very good job There is a large percentage of locally owned businesses, but not enough services catering to them
I have a passion for the local area, and for this project
What is Next?
This funding will allow me to:
Conduct market testing with locally owned businesses and local consumers to validate the idea
Network with potential partners
Begin building the platform (2-3 months for a minimum viable product)
Establish a user base for the platform to beta test, provide feedback, and gain additional
insights into needs. This will provide a giant leap forward in the beta testing process.
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