Items tagged with 'obamaschenectady'
President Obama at GE Schenectady: photos

POTUS, Governor Cuomo, and a steam turbine.
A quiet hum quickly turned into roaring applause as President Barack Obama went on stage at building 218 273 at the GE plant in Schenectady. The entire experience felt surreal: from the hundreds of cameras, to the security dogs to seeing the man we so often see on television, in person.
GE employees were "inspired," a ten year old got her first big break and the crowd showed their support.
A handful of photos after the jump...
Barack Obama's remarks at GE in Schenectady
Here's a transcript of the speech Barack Obama made at GE in Schenectady today, as provided by the White House press office.
The President spoke for about 16 minutes...
Barack Obama's in Schenectady. Tweet.

We thought it might be fun to pull together a handful of tweets, images and links about the President's visit to Schenectady today using Storify. So, let's get to it...
It's the President, right overhead

One of the pics we snapped as Air Force One flew in over Albany today.
Noted: AF1 is a rather large airplane.
A few more pics after the jump.
Barack Obama's visit to Schenectady, take two
The White House sent out the schedule for Barack Obama's (re)planned visit to Schenectady this Friday. From the press release:
WASHINGTON--On Friday, January 21, 2011, President Barack Obama will travel to Schenectady, NY, to visit the birthplace of General Electric and deliver remarks on the economy. He will depart Schenectady later the same day. The arrival and departure of Air Force One in Albany, NY, is open to pre-credentialed media and closed to the public.
The President will then travel to the General Electric Plant in Schenectady, home to GE's largest energy division, including steam turbines, generators, wind and solar, and the future home of GE's advanced battery manufacturing facility. The President will tour the site with GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt and he will make remarks on the importance of growing the economy and making America more competitive by investing in jobs, innovation and clean energy. The President's remarks are open to the press, but space is limited. Public attendance at this event is by invitation only. [AOA adds: we've heard there was a lottery for GE employees to attend.]
The GE plant in Schenectady is a direct beneficiary of GE's power turbine deal with India announced during the President's trip last November.
As with the previously planned visit, the POTUS will not be in the Capital Region very long -- just about two hours. Air Force One is scheduled to arrive at ALB around noon. The President is scheduled to speak at GE around 1 pm. And AF1 is scheduled to take off again around 2 pm.
Details on Barack Obama's Schenectady visit
Update update: There are now details for the rescheduled visit.
Update: The visit has been postponed because of the shooting in Arizona. The White House says it expects to reschedule the event.
Hot off the email press release we got from the White House this afternoon:
On Tuesday, January 11, President Obama will travel to Schenectady, New York to visit the birthplace of General Electric.
The site is home to GE's largest energy division, including steam turbines, generators, wind and solar, and the future home of GE's advanced battery manufacturing facility. The President will tour the site with GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt and he will make remarks on the importance of growing the economy and making America more competitive by investing in jobs, innovation and clean energy.
The GE plant in Schenectady is a direct beneficiary of GE's power turbine deal with India announced during the President's trip last November.
The POTUS won't be here long -- his stop in the Capital Region is scheduled for just under two hours. The (very short) schedule after the jump.
Barack Obama coming to Schenectady

Air Force Once at ALB during Barack's Obama's last visit here.
Update: The TU reports the President will be visiting the GE campus, most likely the new battery plant being constructed there.
The word going around this afternoon is that Barack Obama will be visiting next Tuesday. All the reports are based on unnamed "sources." [TU] [Daily Gazette]
The purpose of the visit is still unclear, but all the speculation is focused on some sort of GE-related thing. WTEN reports the "the governor's office" confirmed the POTUS will visit a GE facility. [WTEN]
Of course, President Obama visited the Capital Region in September 2009 and spoke at HVCC.
photo: Amy Mengel
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?