Items tagged with 'spitzerspeedreading'
Speed reading even more of the Spitzer coverage

Yep, according to the Times, that's her.
OK, here we go again. We've picked through piles of the coverage of Spitzer spitzering himself to pull out facts and details so you don't have to.
Speed reading more coverage of Eliot Spitzer and his spitzering

Hey, look, the media circus is in town.
Updated Wednesday at 11:59 AM
So, he's done. We've read through the piles of coverage about it so you don't have to... many new bite-sized facts and details from Wednesday's coverage after the jump.
Speed reading the coverage of Eliot Spitzer spitzering himself

Wrecked steamroller.
Updated Tuesday at 4:04 PM
We've read through the piles of coverage so you don't have to... many bite-sized facts and details after the jump.
... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?