Happiness Is A Tall Red Shoe

Never let it be said that high fashion doesn't exist in the Capital Region. (I'll just point out right now that I'm usually the person complaining of this.) As it turns out, it not only exists, it exists at ~gasp~ the mall.
Now, by high fashion I mean a look, or trend... not necessarily cost. With places like Forever 21, H&M and their ilk, there's really no reason anyone needs to go into debt to look great, and that goes for everything; clothes, shoes and accessories.
I am not what one would consider to be a "shoe person." I'd rather have one pair of black stilettos that can be worn with any and everything, than 30 pairs that only go with one outfit. That said, recently, I half-heartedly wondered into DSW at Crossgates, and ended up having a shoe moment.
Everything I'd been seeing in the fashion press hailed the arrival of the extreme shoe. Shoes with sky-high heels, in crazy colors, made out of crazy things (I'm pretty sure one pair I saw had scaffolding).I'd see photos of super-rich socialites wearing these things (looking rather unsteady I might add) and wonder if maybe they'd lost a dare. So, it was a little unsettling when I happened upon 4-inch, Ruby-red, patent leather pumps and my entire face lit up when I realized they had my size. If you're in the market for a pair of these stylish little death-traps, I'd consider Macy's at Colonie Center. I lucked out at DSW, but it was sort of fluke. Macy's shoe selection has been astonishingly good as of late, and pretty of the moment. That's where I found these sassy grey patent leather and suede stilettos.
For something a bit flashier, Supermarket of Shoes and the like have virtually everything; raging from cute to just plain tacky.
Yes, I bought the red shoes for $30. Which is much more reasonable then say, Louboutin's, Manolo's or even Nine West. While the color may sound crazy, it curiously goes with everything. Navy opaque tights? Check. Black pants suit? Check. Skinny or Trouser-style jeans. Check, check. I'm not going to lie though, these extreme shoes are only meant to be worn if you plan to be sitting down most of the time . Dinner in Saratoga? Perfect. Going out on Pearl Street on a Saturday? Stick to the darling little ballet flats.
Without a doubt, some fearless and possibly slightly inebriated young woman will attempt to brave State St. hill on a windy evening in a pair of these types of shoes. And she will of course end up on her tuchas. But! She will still look fierce.
Sensible shoes be damned.
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... said KGB about Drawing: What's something that brought you joy this year?